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A Study on Socio – Economic Profile, Investment Portfolio of Investors and Risk Tolerance of Investors in Select Investment Avenue with Reference to Chennai

Issue Abstract

The first in an occasional series on India’s education system. Places the current issues facing education in Tamil Nadu in a historical context since independence, successive Indian governments have had to address a number of key challenges with regard to education policy which has always formed a crucial part of higher education development. Improving access and quality at all levels of education. Improving literacy rates currently while Indian institutes of management and technology are world class primary and higher secondary education system particularly in rural area while new governments commonly pledge to increase spending on education bring in structured reforms now a days is very has been gradually decreasing its effect day by day rural means living in or characteristic of farming or country life. Literacy rate in Tamil Nadu is very decent compared to other states of India. As per 2011 survey we stand at 11th position with a literacy rate of 77.13 percent education in Tamil Nadu rural areas is rarely consider as an asset in the state. In order to provide as good quality of education in rural areas. Public higher education have established not only establishment but also proper functioning of higher education. There is more of an emphasis on the training of rural teachers whose educational background is generally not as sound as their urban counterparts
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Domination in Commerce, Brokers, Investors

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages