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A Study on the Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Information Technology (IT) Companies in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

The study's purpose is to measure the leadership styles on organizational citizenship behavior. The data was gathered from employees of information technology companies. The study collected responses from both project managers and sub-ordinates. Two hundred forty surveys distributed among the project leaders and subordinates (72 project leaders and 144 employees). The study used a convenience sampling method. The study found a meaningful affiliation between OCB and leadership styles. Information technology companies need focused leadership styles to stimulate their subordinates and stimulate carrying out extra-position, which results in elevated performance in organizations. This phenomenon requires an appropriate understanding of OCB and its connection with optimistic JP and effectiveness. in addition, the study results reveal DLS and OCB results from high-quality relationships between leaders and their followers. The paper gives a good structure for considering the connection between existing leadership standards and original directions for OCB and leadership study in numerous years to come.

Keywords: Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Autocratic Leadership, Laissez-faire Leadership, and OCB.

Received : September 2022

Accepted : September 2022
Published : October 2022


Author Information
Ashfak Ahmed ,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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