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Modern Recruitment: Social Media Impact on Employee Selection

Issue Abstract

The use of social media as a recruitment tool throws up some opportunities and challenges for employers. Social media potentially offers speed, efficiency and the ability to target and attract specific, particularly apposite candidates in the recruitment process. It can provide a useful additional source of information on potential job candidates, especially since some data (at the personal as well as the professional level) may not be generated for the purpose of recruitment, and therefore may provide candid supplementary information on the applicant. For candidates it potentially offers multiple sources of information about the employer and the possibility of contact with existing employees to gain a more realistic job preview. However, there are a number of issues that need to be considered. Firstly, there are ethical questions of privacy and the extent to which it is appropriate and relevant for employers to seek information about workers’ private lives. A US survey found that the most common reasons for not short listing and rejecting candidates were based on ‘lifestyle’ rather than employment-related information. For example, 35 per cent of those surveyed said that they found material on SNSs that caused them not to hire a job candidate; social media postings that included 'provocative or inappropriate' photographs or information were cited by 53 per cent of HR managers as a reason to turn down an employee. This paper will focus on recruitment sites impact on job selection
Keywords: Online, Screening, Virtual, Biodata

Author Information
CH.Indrasena Reddy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) R.N.Sharma, Indian Education At The Cross Road, Delhi:Shubhi,2002.
2) P.D.Shukla, The New Education Policy, Delhi Sterling Publishers Private Ltd, 1998
3) For More Details On The NEP And The Problems Of Problems Of Indian Education In The 1980s And 1990s, See N. Jayapalan, Problems Of Indian Education ,Delhi : Aherstlantic Publishers, 2000.
4) Aram And K.D. Sharma, National Policy On Education: An Overview, Delhi: Visas Publishing House,2005.