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Human Resource Practices in Higher Education Sector

Issue Abstract

Higher Education Institutions undergo fundamental changes due to globalization, growing competition for funding and staff as well as increasing institutional autonomy. These changes are linked to new responsibilities requiring greater managerial and leadership competences (Pellert 2007). In view of the fact that the investment for employees accounts for the largest share of institution expenditure, human resource is the most valuable asset of higher educational institutions and gains importance in university affairs (Evans & Chun 2012). The practices of human resource management like recruitment, selection, orientation, training, performance appraisal, compensation and retirement will take place in every Institution. Now-a- day’s even smaller organizations are having a separate HR department to bring the best of the employees. In this regard it is necessary to understand the effectiveness of HR practices on the employees’ performance. Starting from recruitment till retirement employees are passing through the various HR practices. In this regard it is important to know the level of impact of HR policies and practices. Observation, Interview and Questionnaires has been used for data collection. The initial understanding of the HRM was done with observation. The various policies and practices followed were analyzed through personal interviews of the HR executives. Finally the level of impact of HR policies and practices was examined with the help of structured questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed with the help of AMOS 7 & SPSS 22 (Statistical Package for Social Science). After checking the reliability and validity of the questionnaire statistical tools like descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, One-way ANOVA and Chi-square were used. This case study will definitely provide a platform to the organization to understand its employees’ opinion and suggestive improvement towards their HR policies and practices.
Keywords: HRM, HR Policies & Practices, Human Resource Management.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
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Issue References

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