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Determination of A Long- Term Trend in the Balance of Payments of India

Author Information
Jayanti Aggarwal
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) International Monetary Fund. (2004). Uses of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Data. In International Monetary Fund, Annual Publications (pp. 170-174).
2) Statistics Sweden, Foreign Trade and balance of payments report. (2016). Balance of Payments 2016. In F (pp. 1-18).
3) Digital Economist. (2017) Retrieved September 09, 2017, from
4) Arkolakis, C., & Y., Teaching assistant. (2011, January). The Balance of Payments. Retrieved from
5) Balance of Payments. (2012). In Economic Survey (2011-12 ed., pp. 131-149). Government of India.