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An Empirical Study of the Role of Strategic Management in Technological Firms: Case Study of Apple INC.

Issue Abstract

Strategic Management plays an integral part for any organization in achieving its goals and objectives and helping the organization get a competitive advantage in the industry. In order to understand the same, in this research the case of Apple Inc. has been critically analyzed by studying its vision and mission statements and strategies implemented in order to achieve the goal. The corporate level strategies studied in the report are Diversification of Apple into iPods and its Merger with Beats. It clearly explains why the strategies were implemented and whether they were successful in contributing to the long-term goals.
Keywords: Corporate Level Strategies, Apple Inc., Vision, Mission, Diversification, Mergers & Acquisition, iPods, Beats, Strategic Management.

Author Information
Ms. Pallavi Rallan, Mr. Tarun Beesla
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) Axon S (2007), Is the iPod a marketing phenomenon?
2) AshcroftJ (2012), Apple from Ipod to Ipad
3) Kazmi, A (2010), Strategic Management and Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.