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International Terrorism: A New Mode of Conflict

Issue Abstract

Terrorism can be defined as the actual use or threat to use of violence by a group of  people to achieve some political goals. It is usually employed against a government  but sometimes another group, class, or party can be its target. Terrorism believes in the indiscriminate use of violence or threat of violence to create an ambience of fear or helplessness. Although terrorism is a form of violence it is different from ordinary violence. The target is the
immediate victim. In terrorism the most important result is not the physical injury or material damage caused to the direct victims but the psychological effect produced on the ultimate target. Terrorism is to be considered as a crime against the humanity, so it should be brought under the concept of Universal jurisdiction.
Similarly State should take legal measures to adopt terrorism as an  extraditable offence.
Keywords: Aggressiveness, Disruptive Activities, Extradition, Material Advantage, Terrorism 

Author Information
Dr. N. Krishna Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. B.P. Singh Sehgal, Global Terrorism (Deep & Deep Publications. 2000) 
2. Bharath B and Anand M (Ed), Nuclear Terrorism and Human Survival, (2014) 
3. Dr. Dasarathi Bhuyan, International Terrorism, (Mohith Publications 2008) 
4. Dr. Vasudeva, E crimes and Remedies, (Ajay Verma For Commonwealth Publishers New Delhi 2005) . 

9. Rainer Stahlberg, Surviving Terrorism, (published by Barricade Books inc. United States of America) 
10. Reddy L.R., The worst of Global Terrorism, (APH Publications House 2004) 
11. Susan Wright, 'In Search of New Paradigm of Biological Disarmament' in Susan Wright (Ed), Biological Warfare and Disarmament- New Problems / New Perspectives (Vision Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.). 
12. Tasia E. Mclntyre, Trotection Against Terrorism or Symbolic Politics?' 56 case W. L. Rev.2003 
13. V.D. Mahajan, History of Modem India, VOL-1 (1919-1974)