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A Study on Satisfaction Level of Tourists in Rajasthan

Issue Abstract

India represents one of the most prospective tourism markets in the globe. Tourism today is the most vivacious tertiary activity and a multi-billion diligence in India. Conventionally known mainly for its historical and cultural scope, tourism today is highlighted for its enormous business prospects. With its worthwhile links with transport, hotel industry etc., the potential and performance of India’s tourism industry needs to be weighed in terms of its socio-economic scale. Tourism is an important catalyst in the socio-economic progress in the contemporary era, contributing in numerous ways and reinforces the inter-connected processes. Amongst, the various states, Rajasthan is known for cultural & heritage, religious and wildlife tourism across the sphere. Growth of the state is linked with the contribution of the tourism sector in the state. Rajasthan due to its cultural heritage, festivals, flora and fauna is quite popular among the tourists across the globe. The present paper on “Rajasthan A Study on Satisfaction Level of Tourists in Rajasthan” is an attempt to understand the satisfaction level of domestic as well as foreign tourists from Rajasthan tourism industry.
Keywords: Rajasthan Tourism, Domestic Tourists, Foreign Tourists, Satisfaction Level

Author Information
Mr.Sunil Lalchandani
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) “Economic Review 2016-17”, 2017, Directorate of Economics & Statistics Department of Planning, Rajasthan, Jaipur.
2) “India in Business - 2011”, Ministry of External Affairs, Investment & Technology Promotion Division, Government India.
3) Annual Progress Report – 2013-14, Department of Tourism, Rajasthan
4) Annual Progress Report – 2014-15, Department of Tourism, Rajasthan
5) Annual Progress Report – 2015-16, Department of Tourism, Rajasthan