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The Nature of Teaching

Issue Abstract

One of the basic truths in education is that the quality of education depends largely upon the quality of the teacher. Whether the teacher be seated at one end of the proverbial log with the student perched at other end-uncomfortable positions for both of them or whether the teacher is in the best equipped room of a most modern school: whether the teacher is at work with a small group of students or is on the television screen that is seen by tens of thousands. Whether the teacher is a person or whether the teacher is a programmed text-book; it is unlikely that the students will get a superior education unless the teacher is superior. Teacher’s effectiveness can be enhanced, but the most ingenious plans of inspired administrators and the best array of instructional devices are of little avail if the teacher is “ignored”, unskilled or indifferent. And what is teaching? Ah! There you have the worst paid and the best rewarded of all vocations. By mercenary standards teaching is poorly paid.

Author Information
Mr. A.Vasudevan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) Nimbalkar, M.R. (2010), Educational Skills & Strategies of Teaching, Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Hyderabad.
2) Rai, B.C. (1990), Principles of Education, Prakashan Kendra Publication, Lucknow.
3) Rai, B.C. (1990), Technique of Teaching, Prakashan Kendra Publication, Lucknow-20.
4) Sharma, R.A. (1986), Technology of Teaching (Teacher’s Behaviour), Meerut: International Publishing House.
5) Verma, Romesh and Suresh Sharma (2003), ‘Modern Trends in Teaching Technology’, Anmol Publication Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi.