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A Study on Problems Faced by Milk Produceres in Valappadi Taluk of Salem District

Issue Abstract

India is one of the largest milk and milk products producing countries in the world. The country’s milk production increased from around 20 million tonnes in 1960s to 121.50 million tonnes in 2011. The per capita availability (281g/day in 2010-11) is almost equal to the requirement of 280g/ day. The State was placed between eighth to ninth position in the country in overall milk production in the last 10 years. The present study has been taken to find out the “The Problem faced by the milk producers in Valappadi Taluk of Salem District”. The following specific objectives are framed to study the characteristics of the milk producers in the study area. To analyse the problems faced by the milk producers in the study area. To find out the capital requirement of the milk producers in the study area. The study constitutes 200 milk producing respondents of were chosen for the study in valappadi Taluk of Salem District. Convenience sampling techniques was used. The population being legal and the project where initial it was divided to choose these particulars techniques. 200 responders is their was directly into viewed. Most of the information is through primary data of the study. Interpretation of the data and analysis was conducted means Percentage, Chi-Square test, F-Test, and Correlation. The sample of 200 questionnaires were collected by following convenient sampling method the entire analysis is clearly in a started by means of pie diagram charts and graphs in the appropriate places. The study was conducted in valappadi Taluk of Salem District. The study was conducted for the period from August 2016 to August 2017. Most of the government projects for the welfare of rural people ward turn if proper system is not formed to address this issue. Milk production issues need to be resolved in serious manner over a period of time so as to meet the rising demand. The problems of the milk marketing and livelihood in Valappadi Taluk of Salem District are serious and remedial measure should be taken to overcome these problems.
Keywords: Milk Products, Milk Production Issue, Produceres, Marketing.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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