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Proplem of Chicken Poultry Owners(A Study with Reference to Rasipuram Taluk)

Issue Abstract

The Poultry Industry has evolved in the 21st century from tens of thousands of small independent farms in the post-world war II period to an industry of relatively few large vertically integrated companies, each with multiple farm sites or contract growers, processing, marketing, feed milling and hatchery capabilities. Poultry business is attractive as any other business and is a home-farm enterprise. It plays an important role in converting grain and other products into eggs and poultry meat for the non-traditional benefit of mankind. Agriculture and poultry are interdependent as the cereals form part of feed for poultry and poultry wastages are inputs for agriculture. Poultry production can play a significant role to raise the economic status of the rural masses, improve their level of nutrition and also generate employment opportunities. it was proposed to conduct a study on the production and marketing of poultry products and their problems and to analyze the factors influencing the process of production and marketing. The following are the main objectives of the study are to study the profile of respondents and the chicken poultry farming owner practices adopted by the respondents in Rasipuram Taluk. To assess the performance of chicken poultry farms in the area of production, finance and marketing of chicken poultry products in the study area. To identify the problems of chicken poultry farms and predict future prospects of poultry industry Rasipuram Taluk. To analyse the factors influencing performance of chicken poultry farms in the study area. To suggest measures to overcome the problems in production and marketing of eggs and financial problems faced by chicken poultry owners. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed by applying statistical tool are simple percentage method, chi-square test methods and correlation. The research study was conducted from October 2016 to September 2017. With a strong poultry-based business, non-farm activities can also be initiated when the poultry farm owners are more experienced and capable of taking risk and can manage the programme better. The production and marketing of poultry products in India expected to double the progress in the next four years. This research is a rewarding exercise to the scholar and the researcher would feel delighted, if the suggestions and recommendations made here on the basis of the study undertaken are considered and implemented by the chicken poultry farm owners and the government. It would also be gratifying if this research initiates further research on poultry business and necessary R&D in this field, a need of the hour.
Keywords: Production, Research & Development, Finance & Markting.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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