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The Fear of Public Behavior

Author Information
Mr. Shivanad K Patwadi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. 100 See Kinder (1983), p. 397; Feldman (1988) p. 416. 118 See Kinder (1983). P. 399. 119 ibid, p.400. 120 David Scars, Richard Lau, Torn Tyler and Harris Allen Jr., "Self Interest Versus Symbolic Politics in Policy Attitudes and Presidential Voting," American Political Science Review, 74 11914 121. Ill
2. Kinder (1983), p. 416. 112 See Donald Granberg, "An Anomaly t Political Perception", Public Opinion Quarterly,
49 (1985), pp 504-516.