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A Study on Stress Among Women Police with the Reference of Pudukkottai District

Issue Abstract

Women are playing challenging roles and even more competent than men in the modern world. Stress is relevant to all jobs whereas in policing it is much more than others. Women working in police race problematic situations in balancing both work and family. Despite this prevailing situation; women are willing to join police. This is mainly because of receiving social security and social status. This study examines the stress among the women police working in  Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu, which also covers the workplace stress, personal stress and overall stress. It also reveals about various remedial measures implemented and needed to be altered. In this descriptive study, the sample of 156 women police were selected by adopting convenient sampling and responses were
collected using questionnaire method.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


The study was attempted to identify the factors and root cause of stress and suggest suitable solutions to enrich their performance. Modern life is full of stress. Stress is inevitable; stress is due to consequence of socio-economic
complexity. The stress could be effectively managed by relaxation, changing life style, maintaining good
health, keeping up social relations, developing sense of humor and having set of goals for personal growth.