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A Study on Railway Employee Perception Towards Quality of Work Life

Issue Abstract

Quality in the workplace comes from understanding and then fully meeting, the needs of all the internal and external customers, now and into the future and in doing so to ensure continual improvement in efficiency and effectiveness. QWL refers to the favorableness or un – favorableness of a total job environment of the people. The
basic purpose is to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for the economic health of the organization. QWL provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the higher – order needs of workers as well as their more basic needs. It seeks to employ the higher skills of workers and to
provide an environment that encourages improving their skills.
Key Words: Quality of Work Life, Human Resource Development, Organizational Behavior, Quality Circle.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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3. Behera K C, Human Resource in Balance Sheet, IBA Bulletin, January 2006, pp.33-36.
4. C. B. Mamoria and S. V. Gankar (2001), “Personnel Management Text & Cases”, Himalaya Publishing house
Mumbai, XXI Edition.
5. Clatt, F. Veugh and Bernard Asbell, Tapping the Human Resources – A Strategy for Productivity, New York:
Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., 1975, p.7.