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Analysis of Fiscal Performance of the States

Issue Abstract

The benefit of Indian economic growth has not affected every state in country in an even manner. If this situation is allowed to continue, growth would benefit only a small section of the population and this would have serious social and political consequences. Amongst the many factors that impact the growth of the economy of a state is the status of its public finances. The state of public finances make up the environment within which investment decisions are taken and there is sufficient evidence to show that adverse fiscal balance acts as a deterrent to investment. Hence an attempt is made to assess the public finances of fourteen major states of India for the pre-reform and post-reform periods. To evaluate fiscal performance of a state, non-conventional fiscal imbalance measures such as Resource Gap I, Resource Gap II, Basic Resource Gap I, Basic Resource Gap II, Basic Resource Gap III, Fiscal Dependency Ratio I, Fiscal Dependency Ratio II, Fiscal Dependency Ratio III and Fiscal Stress Ratio have been used.

Author Information
Dr. Mona Bhalla
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Ahluwalia M.S. (2001): “State Level Performance under Economics Reforms in India”, working paper No. 96, centre for Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform, Stanford University.

2. Ahuwalia, M.S. (2000): “Economic Performance of States in Post Reform Period, Economic and Political Weekly, May 6, 2000.
3. Bajaj J.L. and D.K. Joshi (2000), “Restructuring State Finances” in Srivastava (ed) 2000.
4. Bosworth B, Susan Collins and Arvind Viramani (2007): “Sources of Growth in the Indian Economy”, NBER Working Paper No. 12091.
5. Chelliah Raja (1998), “Liberalization, Economic Reforms and Centre – State Relations”, in I.J. Alluwalia and I.M.D. Little (ed)’, India’s Economic Reforms and Development, Oxford University Press, Delhi.