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A Study on Consumer Behavior Towards Permission Based Email Marketing of Selected Banking in India

Issue Abstract

Online consumer behavior is different from offline consumer behavior, onlineconsumer behavior is generally influenced by factors relating to ease,convenience and trust. Online shopping has become a habit among“generation next” consumers. They shop online for products and servicessuch as travel tickets, fashion goods and cinema tickets. People search about various products using various infomediaries and if satisfied they buy online. This trend is seen for less involvement goods and services, although for highinvolvement purchases such as cars and real estate, people use internetmainly as a search and information seeking tool. Another important feature of the interactive marketing communications is that they can be tailored according to an individual at a relatively low cost, unlike in traditional media\ where the same message tends to be broadcast to everyone. Importantly, this individualization can be based on the intelligence collected about site visitors and then stored in a database and subsequently used to target and personalize communications to customers to achieve
relevance in media.The number of online consumers is rapidly growing day by day. The rate isvarying in various parts of the globe, with more online consumers indeveloped countries than that of developing or less developed ones. It is evident that changing life-style and rapid technological development can beconsidered responsible behind the growth of the electronic buying behavior.Internet is used in various stages of decision making process
from the initialscan to the more detailed comparison and even for final check before purchase.

Author Information
Dr. C. Saraswathi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages