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Child Nutritional Status in Kerala

Issue Abstract

The nutritional status of both children and adolescents must have high priority in human development. The nutritional status of fewer than five children is an important health indicator for assessing the health status of entire population and one of the major predictors of child survival. The present article aims to assess the nutritional status of fewer than five children in Kerala based on anthropometric measures of physical growth. The study is based on secondary data. It was observed that malnutrition is the major concern in the child health in Kerala. The percentage of stunted (low height-for-age) children under five in Kerala has declined whereas; the percentage of wasted (low weight-for height) children has risen. The percentage of underweight (low weight-for-age) children has almost remained the same. The problem of anemia is also increasing in Kerala. 
Keywords: Malnutrition, Anthropometry, Underweight

Author Information
Seena Raj
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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