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A Study of Working Capital Management in Cement Industry in India

Issue Abstract

Working Capital is the life blood of every business concern. Business firm cannot make progress without adequate working capital. Inadequate working capital means shortage of inputs, whereas excess leads to extra cost. So the quantum of working capital in every business firm should be neither more nor less, than what is actually required. The management has to see that funds invested as working capital in their organization earn return at least as much as they would have earned return if it invested anywhere else. At the time of increasing capital costs and scare funds, the area of working capital management assumes added importance as it deeply influences a firm's liquidity and profitability. A notable feature of utilization of funds is that they are of recurring nature. Therefore, efficient working capital management requires a proper balance between generation and utilization of these funds without which either shortage of funds will cause obstruction in the smoother functioning of the organization or excess funds will prevent the firm from conducting its business efficiently. So the main objective of working capital management is to arrange the needed funds on the right time from the right source and for the right period, so that a tradeoff between liquidity and profitability may be achieved. A firm may exist without making profits but cannot survive without liquidity. The function of working capital management organization is similar that of heart in a human body. Also it is an important function of financial management. The financial manager must determine the satisfactory level of working capital funds and also the optimum mix of current assets and current liabilities. He must ensure that the appropriate sources of funds are used to finance working capital and should also see that short term obligation of the business are met well in time.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2017
Issue Pages