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A Study on Banana Cultivation with Special Reference at Tirunelveli Kattabomman District

Issue Abstract

The growth in the production of fruits and vegetables assumes critical importance now-a-days due to the increase in the demand generated by the rapid increase in population and has been accelerated further by the rise in the levels of income of the people and the consequent change in the pattern of consumption. Fruits, observes Bakhru, play a unique role in developing countries like India, both in economic and social sphere for improving income and nutritional status, particularly of rural masses. Today, the need for meeting the minimum nutritional level of a diet of a common man is assuming greater importance. And, the cultivation of fruits and vegetables assume more importance for as protective food they provide much needed nourishment, supporting vitamins, minerals and also in improving the protein value in foods. Besides their value in human consumption, these crops play an important role in the economy of the country. Among fruits and vegetables banana is a prominent and special crop with its peculiarities such as non-seasonal character, one year gestation period, single bunch output and perishable in a short period of seven to ten days. According to Subramanian, the growth of area and production of banana crop have increased in India as a whole. But the rate of growth has been very low. In majority of states the productivity of banana has decreased. This shows that urgent measures are required for arresting the decrease in productivity of banana crop. Hence this study is concerned about banana cultivation in Tirunelveli Kattabomman district.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2017
Issue Pages