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A Study on Tourism Crisis Management

Issue Abstract

The movement business is an immense convincing industry and it can be approved by changes, especially administrative issues, seismic quakes, etc an enormous bit of the crisis of the movement business under the workmanship and impact of a fair sort of each event in explorer. Crisis leaders in the movement business help in managing the incredible and awful effects of crises and catastrophes on the movement business. Mental oppressor attacks, war, disastrous occasions and irresistible ailments can propel a movement industry crisis. Crises unquestionably get media thought and along these lines draw out in the open interest, particularly from potential travelers. The crisis isn't new to the movement business. In any case, it has been seen that movement industry the board limit and ability to oversee bewildering and essential conditions are confined. In this paper, we inspect an assessment of the crisis of the board and the movement business.
Keywords: Crisis, Tourism, Nature, Disasters, Terrorism, Crisis Management.

Author Information
Dr. K. Karthick
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References

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