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The Impact of Cognitive Competence in Cracking the Engineering Placement

Issue Abstract

Communication is unquestionably the most empowering of all the survival abilities available to us. To substantiate this, the most prestigious educational institutions endow their wards with open communicative competencies in addition to academic, and scholastic understanding. Many well-known corporate sectors are known to partner with those institutions, and during campus interviews and other recruiting processes, they look for impending human resources who demonstrate such competencies, also known as life skills, to ensure positive business outcomes and beneficial results. To identify with this, a proposal on communication skills must be developed using a consistent and dependable teaching-learning method. Similarly, research from Aspiring Minds revealed that over 90% of engineers in our country are unable to speak English, which is required for tough professions in the corporate sector. Furthermore, only 6.8% of engineers can answer spontaneously, and around 67% of engineers lack English verbal skills, making them unsuitable for any professional position. Professional students should have a sufficient quantity of experience with employability skills to compete in recruiting. This research gives insight into the crucial necessity of emerging verbal abilitude, i.e. the coalition of ability and aptitude, to satisfy recruiters in engineering placements.
Keywords: Aspiring Minds, Emerging Verbal Abilitude, English verbal skills.

Author Information
Dr. B. Mohana Priya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References

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