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Working Mechanism of Kahoot : A Game Based Online Learning Application for Students and Teachers

Issue Abstract


Advent of information communication technology has brought lot of tools to enhance the teaching, learning process such as open access, online learning management system, course management system and open conferencing system. Kahoot is a platform of learning based on gamification for interactive learning among the academic community. Kahoot is used to review the student’s knowledge and assess the understanding of learning apart from the traditional classroom teaching. It improves the learning performance, classroom dynamics and students teachers’ attitude. This paper explores the salient features of Kahoot application and the working mechanism in the teaching and learning environment. It also explains the steps to create various quiz, discussion and assessment during the classroom teaching pedagogy.
Key Words: Kahoot, Online Learning Tool, Game Based Learning

Author Information
J. Arumugam
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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