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Work Life Balance among Working Women-A Study with Special Reference to Selected Public Sector Banks in Tirunelveli City

Issue Abstract


Banking sector is one of the few sectors, which reached all section of people in the society. A sound and well-structured banking system is required for consistent economic progress. When compared to other developing countries, India has well refined banking system. Public sector banks are backbone of a country’s economy .As a result of increasing awareness towards toning up the performance of public sector banks, with a view to reach productivity as well as economic development, there are several reforms taking place in Indian Banking system. Present government’s plan to amalgamate public sector banks in order to construct next generation banks for global reach, will give ample scope in terms of employment. Post- independence, there has been a notable increase in women education and women employment in banking sector. . Due to numerous banks, women officers working in banks are growing rapidly. However, in cut-throat competitive environment, women are struggling to balance work and personal life. Though women working in all fields, their participation in public sector banks are far more. This paper focuses on working women in public sector banks who are struggling to find an optimum balance between personal and work life. Keywords: Banking sector, public sector banks, several reforms

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Issue Publish Date
25 Dec 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References


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