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Voice Command Execution with Speech Recognition and Synthesizer

Issue Abstract

Speech technology is one of the fastest growing modern engineering technology with a wide scope for application in various arenas and disciplines of life. It has many potential benefits and is useful to people in many walks of life. Nearly 20% of people of the world are suffering  from various disabilities; many of them are blind or unable to use their hands effectively. The speech recognition systems in those particular cases provide a significant help to them, so that they can share information with people by operating computer through voice input. This project isdesigned and developed keeping that factor into mind, and a little effort is made to achieve this aim. This proposed project is capable to recognize the speech and convert the  input audio into text; it also enables a user to perform operations such as “open and close applications and windows, select text, media controls, read text, system termination, social interaction” etc. by providing voice input. It also  helps the user to open different system software such as opening MS-paint, notepad and calculator. At the initial level effort is made to provide help for basic operations as discussed above, but the software can further be updated and enhanced in order to cover more operations.
Keywords—MS-paint; Speech Recognize; VO; Audio into Text; HMM; MFCC;

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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