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Understanding –Pattern -Based Adaptive Dynamic Assessment System for Learning

Issue Abstract

Dynamic Assessment Systems (DAS)” are an effective solution for mass education Evaluation. It is proposed a Dynamic Assessment system for examinations and auto-grading system. To facilitate conducting exams, collection of answers, auto marking the submissions and production of reports for the test. It supports many kinds of questions. It is used via Internet and therefore suitable for both local and remote examination. This could help the academicians either students or professors or placement trainers and who are willing to create new  exams. This project is built using various  technologies such as JAVASCRIPT,  JAVA, HTML and MYSQL. An autograding module is generalized to enable different exam and question types. The test proved the validity of using this kind of
web based systems for evaluates students in the institutions with high rate of students. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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