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Transforming Banking Industry: The Power of Banking Analytics

Issue Abstract


This article investigates banking analytics' transformative role in enabling digital transformation and unlocking improved consumer insights. It digs into the major areas in which analytics will play an important role in the future of banking, such as personalised customer experiences, risk management, operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making. The article explains how analytics helps banks to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their customers' preferences,behaviours and demands, resulting in personalised experiences that boost customer happiness and loyalty. It emphasises the significance of using analytics to assess risks in real time, detect
developing threats and construct predictive models, allowing banks to manage credit risk, market risk, operational risk and compliance risk effectively. The article emphasises the importance of banking analytics in defining the industry's future. It emphasises analytics' transformative capacity in driving digital transformation projects, improving customer experiences, effectively managing risks and enabling data-driven decision-making. Banks should position themselves for success in the developing digital market by adopting analytics and leveraging data as a strategic asset to promote innovation, operational efficiency and long-termgrowth.
Keywords: Banking Analytics, Digital Transformation, Risk Management, Operational Efficiency and Data-driven Decision-making

Author Information
Dr. D. Ramkumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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