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Teaching and Learning in Digital ERA

Issue Abstract

Information and Communication Technology contribute to universal access to education and equity in education. It ensures quality in the delivery of teaching and learning and allows the professional development of a teacher. It also facilitates efficient education management, governance, and administration. The challenging process of education is in determining the various ways in which technology can improve the education system. The effects of technology in the classroom are related to both the teachers and students. In the traditional education system classrooms were driven by lectures where the teacher was the center of attraction. With the introduction of technology in education, the students are playing an active role in their learning and the role of the teacher has changed from being the source of information to a facilitator or guide of information. By being active, the students are more likely to generate their own choices on how to obtain, manipulate or display information, thereby, improving their communication skills and confidence level. This paper reviews how ICT can be effectively used in the classroom. This paper also presents the changing roles of the teachers as well as of the learner in the world of technology and mentions how teachers can be actuated to use technological tools in their teaching-learning method.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Digital Era.

Author Information
Merin Susan Mathew
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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