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Swot Analysis of Nationalised Banks

Issue Abstract

Currency serves as a legal tender in all parts of the country. Apart from the money now a day’s various form of money are being in use like plastic cards, Gpay, UPI payments,etc. these are accepted against payment for goods and services and for the repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context of a country.  Money is the medium of exchange and today we use this money in various forms like g-pay, phone pay, credit card, debit card, etc. and all these are backed up with the help of internet banking and the vast growth in technology. Money also measures the value of all the things whether it is a new gadget or labor hours worked. The excess money in the society are saved in the banks. Thus banks act as our agent for using as well as protecting our money. This paper comprises of the SWOT analysis of the Banks in India. Banks apart from performing banking operations they also carry out other services like insurance, housing development, paying utility bills, helping the customers in buying and selling of securities, etc.  
Keywords: Lending rates, nationalization, economy growth, banks, capitalist.

Author Information
Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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