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A Study on Work Life Balance among Women Employees in Education and banking sector with special reference to Ernakulam City

Issue Abstract

Work-life balance may be defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or comfort level between the multiple roles in a person’s life. The work-life balance of women employees has become an important subject since in today’s world where both men and women equally share the responsibility of earning for the betterment of their family life. The main aim of this research paper is to identify the determinants of the work-life balance of women employees in the banking and education sectors. In the present scenario, a large number of banking and education sector employees are under the category of women and most of them are not able to balance their multiple roles. Hence, this study attempts to analyses the work-life balance of women employees in the education and banking sectors of Ernakulum City.

Key Words: Banking, education, multiple roles, work-life balance.


Received : 25th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019

Author Information
Neetha Francis
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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