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A Study on the Various Welfare Measures and their Impact on Quality of Work Life Provided by the Textile Mills with Reference to Coimbatore District

Issue Abstract

The Cotton Textile plays a vital role in human life. Textile industries are one of the important industries of India for earning Foreign Exchange and giving employment to lakhs of workers Because of being a highly labor intensive industry it needs to concentrate more in the area of employee welfare. In this study, we selected Coimbatore District in Tamil Nadu, India to identify various methods and also to identify the effectiveness of the methods.
The study shows that 15% of the employees are highly satisfied with their welfare measures. 22 % of the employees are satisfied with their welfare measures.39 % of the employees are average with their welfare measures. 16% of them are at a highly dissatisfied level. Welfare measures plays an important role in employee satisfaction and it results in improved quality of work life. This study throws light on the impact of welfare measures on QWL among the employees of textile mills in the Coimbatore district.

Author Information
Dr. M. M. VASU
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Human Resources – A Relook to the Workplace – Dr. K.K. Chaudhri
2. Shobha Mishra & Dr. Manju Bhagat, Principles for successful implementation of labor welfare activities from police theory to functional theory Retrieved June 10, 2010,
3. 26th Conference of ILO, Conventions and Recommendations of ILO (1949) Retrieved