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A Study on Tourists’ Satisfaction in Maldives

Issue Abstract

This paper attempts to summarize the way customer dependability has been assessed in the Maldives the movement business and the techniques by which this could be become further to outfit an assessment of satisfaction with Maldives as a target. The movement business contains different regions including the development, convenience, and visitor organizations region. Inside all of these spaces different individual expert associations have attempted to evaluate shopper dependability as a segment of their quality insistence plan. This has gotten more ordinary as the business sees the meaning of organization quality issues in a certainly merciless environment. It has similarly been energized by the move towards an industry-driven sincerely strong organization. This paper graphs a couple of occurrences of the way these activities have been endeavored at the satisfaction level. It in like manner proposes the likelihood that it very well may be important to expand satisfaction assessment from a consideration of the undertaking to that of the goal. This is a significantly more complicated task that at the individual endeavor level anyway may justify the effort as protests follow a slice of the pie.
Keywords: Satisfaction Assessment, Traveler Area, Organization Quality, Voyager Dedication

Author Information
Dr. A. Alan vijay
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References

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