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A Study on Tourism Marketing Development with Special Reference to Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract


The improvement of business is depended upon to be an enormous piece of the progression and is associated with the monetary improvement of the country. The improvement of business as an industry fundamentally upholds getting gigantic new exchanges to hold assets and bends for prompt and deceiving business opportunities to people living on all sides of the all-around population. Furthermore, by moving made works and expressive specialties of a country, it assists with getting nature's heavenliness, the social act of the land, and customs of our soil, and braces the course of public interest in a country and general cooperation., it is unavoidable to make a capacity among different kinds of business. Obviously, the development business is divided into two general groupings; worldwide the improvement business, and neighborhood the advancement business, which are portrayed as like the close by farthest extents of the uncommonly tough home of the explorer. 

Keywords: the development business, showing, spots of interest.

Received : 05rd November 2021 

Accepted : 15th November 2021 

Published : 25th December 2021





Author Information
S. Yoganand , R. Boobalan , J. Ramesh Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2021
Issue Pages