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A Study on Spectrum of Regular Graphs and Line Graphs

Issue Abstract

A study on Spectrum of Regular graphs and Line graphs”is prepared after a deep study on certain concepts
of Graph Theory. Due to the importance of properties of regular graphs and line graphs discussion is done. For
example, if a graph is regular, then the eigen values of its adjacency matrix are bounded in absolute value by the
degree of the graph. In case of a line graph there is a strong lower bound for the eigen values. We mainly concentrate on the spectrum of regular and line graphs. The Study on Spectrum of Regular and Line graphs deals
with explanation, Properties and definitions of graph with few examples and problems. 
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Stock Prices, Bank Index,Caar. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Cvetkovi_c D. M, Graphs and their spectra,Thesis, University of Bel- grade,1971.

  2. Norman Biggs, Algebraic Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1974.

  3. R. J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Oliver and Boyd, Edin-Burgh, 1972.

  4. Norman Biggs, Finite Groups of Automorphisms, London Math. Society Lecture Notes Series, No.6, Cambridge University Press, 1971. 

  5. T. Van Aarudenee-Ehrenfest and N.G. De Bruijn, Circuits and Trees in oriented linear graphs, Simon Stevin, 28 (1951), pp. 203-217.