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A Study on Socio- Economic Problems of Silver Workers in Salem Town

Issue Abstract

 The most important factor for the economic development of a country is its industrialization. In the  process of industrialization, emphasis is given to large scale industries, medium-sale industries, small-scale industries and micro enterprises. In developing countries, micro and small enterprises are important in the context of employment opportunities, equitable distribution of national income, balanced regional growth and development of rural and semi-urban areas. Micro and small enterprises provide immediate large-scale employment, offer a method of ensuring a more equitable distribution of the national income and facilitate effective mobilization of resources of capital and skill which might otherwise remain unutilized. The micro enterprises are considered an engine of growth, especially in a developing country like India due to their contribution to income generation, employment, gross domestic product and so on. Silver anklets made in Salem are sold across India and has a sizeable export market. Salem Silver anklets are made from high quality of raw material which ensures durability at its user end. These products are available in market at most economical rates. Making of silver ornaments and artefacts by hand work is an important cottage industry in Salem. Silver anklets made in Salem are popular throughout the country. There are 1200 micro and small silverware manufacturing units in Salem district. Nearly 12500 employees are working in silverware manufacturing units. The production value is estimated to be Rs.900 crores in the year 2015.  The study has the following objectives: 1.To find out the factors influencing silver workers in Salem district. 

2. To examine the problems of the silver workers in Salem district. 

3. To study the impact of silver workers on the socio-economic conditions of business owners in Salem
District. A total of 150 silver workers in Salem Town have been taken as the sample. Samples for the purpose of the study are selected systematically. It is in line with this that this study identifies the problems of the silverware
manufacturing units and come out with ways and means, which will establish and sustain the vibrancy for silverware manufacturing units so that they can play the expected vital roles as the engine of growth in the economic development. In regards to various problems, unattractive market, power cut, lack of financial assistance, inadequate subsidies and concessions, cumbersome formalities and maladministration, problems in marketing of products under capacity utilization, inadequate working capital and dependence on private parties for raw materials are the problems of silverware manufacturing units in Salem district. Effective implementation of the suggestions could lead to the growth of the silverware manufacturing units and eventually result in creation of employment as well as poverty reduction. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Marketing management by Philip kotler 9th Edition.

  2. Research methods for management by Dr.s. shajahan 2nd Edition.

  3. Principal & practice of management by L.M.prasad, 4th  Edition.

  4. Marketing research by Dr.p.ravilochanan reprint at 2012.

  5. Marketing by J.Jayasankar reprint at 2012.