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A Study on Service Quality Perception and Satisfaction Adopted by Technology Banking in Chennai District

Issue Abstract

The aim this study examines the World financial system is transient through some involved circumstances as liquidation of banking & financial institutions, liability crisis in major economies of the world and eurozone crisis. As we see all around technology has been increasing day by day and developed its advanced features to make peoples life easier and simpler. In Banking sector technology plays a very important role to make life easy and secure. The Banking industry in India has experienced radical changes since independence. With the improvements in technology and automation, the banking sector has become highly competitive today. The size has been administered to 250 customers of certain banks from Indian Banking Industry, chosen on a suitable basis. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the service quality of selected banks, based on altered levels of „customers‟ perception about service quality. The study provides a practical application to measure service quality perception within the banking industry. The current study includes a measurement model that strength help bankers and researchers investigate customer perceptions of service quality among modern banking customer in Chennai district.
Keywords: Banking, Technology, Perception, Service Quality, etc.

Author Information
Dr. V. Abrar Ahmed
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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