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A Study on Self Congruity, Brand Attitude and Loyalty of Consumer on Luxury Brand

Issue Abstract


This research set out to find how consumer self-esteem moderates the relative importance of actual self-congruity vs. ideal self-congruity on women’s brand loyalty to fitness brands. College-aged women were the primary focus of this research because this demography represents an emerging consumer group and because the literature suggests women score significantly lower than men on self-esteem scales in physical appearance, athletic self, personal self, and self-satisfaction self-esteem. A survey of 151 women of 18 - 24 ages was conducted supporting prior research findings that actual and ideal self-congruity are both positively correlated with brand loyalty.

 Keywords: Consumer Self-Esteem, Actual Self-Congruity y, Brand Loyalty, Gender Differences in Brand Loyalty, Moderating Effect of Self-Esteem and Brand Loyalty.

Received : 01st July 2021 

Accepted : 15th July 2021 

Published : 25th August 2021



Author Information
S. Lavakumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2021
Issue Pages