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A Study on Psychological Empowerment Among the Women Employees of Information Technology Companies in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

The Psychological empowerment is compiled of four cognitions namely Meaning, Self-determination, Competence, and Impact. The concept of “meaning” refers to the position between one’s work role and one’s own beliefs, values, and standards. The factor of “Self-determination” is an individual’s sense of autonomy or control concerning the initiation or regulation of one’s actions. The term “Competence” refers to the belief in one’s capability to successfully perform work activities. The factor of “Impact” is the belief that one can make a difference in the managerial process; that one could influence operational outcomes in the work unit”. The researcher identified the problem of the present study was whether the psychological factors leads to job satisfaction of women employees in information technology companies in Chennai city. Therefore the present study was conducted evidence of the connection between psychological factors and job satisfaction of women employees. The Population for this study was the women employees of information technology companies in Chennai city. The primary data for the study was collected via a structured questionnaire from 271 women employee’s information technology companies in Chennai city. The respondent’s responses was collected on the basis of 5-point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree were obtained and the hypotheses tested using multiple regression. The study found that the psychological factors namely meaning, competence, Self-Determination and impact significantly influencing the employees towards the job satisfaction
Keywords: Psychological Empowerment, Meaning, Self-Determination, Competence and Impact

Author Information
S. Kumari
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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