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A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Public Distribution System in Thoothukudi Block, Thoothukudi District

Issue Abstract

The essential commodities are distributed under the Public Distribution System at heavily subsidized prices and hence anti-social elements tend to divert these commodities to the black market. An increase in prices, especially those of essential commodities hits the poor hard and substantially reduces their well-being. At the same time, the consumers are affected by some problems like being underweight, timing, and shortage of commodities. There is exploitation by workers. Therefore the performance evaluation of the public distribution system and the opinion of beneficiaries are also imperative. So, this warrants a study focusing attention on the problems affecting these vulnerable sections. Hence, the researcher has undertaken this study. The study concluded that the main objective of PDS is to provide a safety net to the poor against spiraling rise in price, the selling of non-controlled articles through PDS is not far from the scope of PDS. Above all non-controlled articles trade will strengthen the
business viability of PDS.
Keywords: Public Distribution System. Card Holders and Commodities.

Author Information
S.Kanni Lakshmi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Bhaskar Majumder, Public Distribution System of Essential Commodities as a Social Safety Net, A Study of the District of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, 2001, pp.123-124.
2. Mahendra Dev, S., Agricultural Development and Public Distribution System: Lack of Major Initiatives, Economic and Political Weekly, 35(13): 2000, p.1046.
3. Nakkiran, S., A Study on the Effectiveness of Public Distribution System in Rural Tamilnadu, The Planning Commission Government of India, New Delhi, 2004, p.1.