The Human always wants to know himself as a gentleman, worthy and creditable and also they want to be supported and commended from others and like to be proud of him and others. When he/she does his job successfully he/she feels worth-full. On several occasions it has been suggested that an individual’s self-esteem, formed around work and organizational experiences, plays an important role in determining worker motivation, work related attitudes, and behaviors. Organizational-based self-esteem (OBSE) is a positive emotion and consciousness which one posses with regard to workplace situation, it is that state of mind in which an employee believes he or she can satisfy his or her needs by participating in roles within the organization.The researcher initiated this study with an aim to study the various opinion of mutual fund employees with respect to self-esteem. To get the results for stated objectives the researchers collected the primary information from 105
samples using self-administered questionnaire through convenience sampling. The questionnaire weighed on two major variables namely, independent variables being age, gender, marital status, number of children, type of family, educational qualification, experience and dependent variable, namely, self-motivation, in-role performance, job satisfaction, and organization related attitudes. The data collected is analysed after converting them into numbers using percentage analysis and it reported that the majority of the respondents have a satisfied level of self-esteem. TTo conclude, in development of selfesteem self-efficacy is a crucial aspect to focus on since the development of a high sense of self-efficacy leads to an increase in one’s self-respect and generally their self-esteem is improved.
Keywords: Self-Esteem. Self-Motivation, In-Role Performance, Job Satisfaction, Organization Related Attitudes.
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