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A Study on Online Rural Consumer Behaviour Towards Selected Consumers in Kanchipuram District

Issue Abstract


The study focuses mainly on the online rural consumer behaviour towards selected Consumer Goods in Kanchipuram district, but with the prevailing trend, it is necessary to focus on the essence and emergence of vibrant rural marketing efforts from the consumer goods manufacturing companies. Thus with more companies entering the rural market, with a variety of products, it is a must for the companies to study rural consumer behaviour, through online purchases. This study will highlight the online rural consumer behaviour purchase. Manufacturers face many problems in marketing their products in rural areas because most of the rural consumers earn low incomes, have low levels of literacy, low levels of brand awareness, and communication and transportation facilities. Consumer goods are an important contributor to India‟s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and are also the fourth largest sector in the Indian economy, responsible for employing approximately 5 per cent of the total factory employment. This sector also creates employment for around three million people in downstream activities, which are generally carried out in smaller towns and rural India.
Key Words: Online Purchase, Consumer goods, Behaviour, etc.,

Author Information
Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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