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A Study on NPA - From a Banker’s Perspective

Issue Abstract


Banking is the fulcrum of an Economy. The Banking Industry is one of the basic instruments of economic growth. It must be on a sound footing as it constitutes an important link in various socio-economic activities. Since it is considered the backbone of economic development, any change in its processes is deemed to have  epercussions on the country’s growth. The essential part of the banking system is its financial viability. It is not only necessary for its survival but also to discharge its various obligations. There has been amazing growth in profits in banking industry over the last two decades. The Indian banking sector has witnessed wide ranging changes under the influence of the financial sector reforms initiated during the early 1990s. The approach to such reforms in India has been one of gradual and non-disruptive progress through a consultative process. The emphasis has been on deregulation and opening up the banking sector to market forces. The Reserve Bank has been consistently working
towards the establishment of an enabling regulatory framework with prompt and effective supervision as well as the development of technological and institutional infrastructure.

Author Information
Gayathri .R
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

NPAs reflect the overall performance of the banks. The NPAs have always been a big worry for the banks in india. The Indian banking sector faced a serious problem of NPAs. . A high level of NPAs suggests high probability of a large number of credit defaults that affect the profitability and liquidity of banks. The extent of NPAs has comparatively higher in public sectors banks. To improve the efficiency and profitability, the NPAs have to be scheduled. Various steps have been taken by government to reduce the NPAs. It is highly impossible to have zero percentage NPAs. But at least Indian banks should take care to ensure that they give loans to credit worthy customers.