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A Study on Innovation Management of SMES in Creative Sector at Kanchipuram District

Issue Abstract

SMEs represent a very important part of the Indian economy today, and within this SME group, the creative sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors. Our paper studies the innovation management of creative SMEs in the Kanchipuram district, based on product innovation and the implementation of innovative product development . On the side of the “market innovation input,” we identified many innovation processes consisting of the sub-process input, strategy, and environmental analysis. Stimulating factors such as the well-developed in the promotion of innovation. Innovations are a necessity, but also an opportunity for SMEs in the Kanchipuram district to prevail in the market. Different theories scope with the development of a product or service from its creation to its introduction to the market. Ideally, innovative SMEs consider all areas, so to speak the process of innovations itself as well as the environment, because these areas interlock very closely. Recognizing dependencies is the basis for defining decision processes within a company in such a way that they promote innovations.
Keywords: creative SMEs, product innovation, process innovation, market innovation, structural innovation, cultural innovation, and implementation of new products.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References

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