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A Study on the Influence o f Human Resources Info rmation System on the Performance of I t Companies

Issue Abstract

This study tried to address how IT businesses operate with computerized systems used for human resources. In particular, the research investigated the consequences of recruitment and selection, training and development, and performance methods for evaluating the accomplishment of IT companies. The study used a descriptive research design. The targeted officers included the human resource manager, employee relations manager, administrative officer, training and development officer, payroll officer, and their assisting officers. Thus, 10 of every company's responders were targeted, giving a total population of 217 respondents. Purposively, 60 respondents made up the sample size the method for gathering data was an inquiry form. The info was presented and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Anova and correlation analysis were utilized to determine the type of association between variables and inferential statistics were also employed. The kind and strength of the associations were investigated usingPearson'sthe findings indicate that resources for people information systems affect instruction and growth and the firm performance of IT companies to a high extent.This is common; with the implementation of HRIS systems, the companies' market share, growth, and profitability have all trended upward additionally, the analysis unequivocally demonstrates that since employees can readily receive training at their convenient times, it has a larger impact when integrated into HR information systems. According to the report, IT organizations should invest a reasonable amount of time in training requirement assessment to fully utilize training resources. The automated training and development system won't be profitable unless it is thoroughly planned, integrated with the organization's strategy, and executed.

Keywords:Human Resource Information System, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development.


Author Information
R. Vinith
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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