This study aims to provide a thorough analysis of the influence of employee performance appraisal methods. By exploring the benefits and effects of different techniques and considering demographic factors. The method used to collect information and data to conclude is known as research methodology. The current study's investigation of the objectives is based on descriptive analysis with primary data. The primary data was gathered using a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling is used for the sample survey. The sample size of this study is confined to 150 employees. An organized survey has been set up to get significant data from the respondents. Data have been analyzed using statistical tools such as one-way ANOVA test, CHI-SQUARE and CORRELATION. Finally, employee performance reveals a largely satisfied workforce with peer appraisal feedback, supervisor feedback, and performance goals that are clearly defined in the appraisal process. The rating scales generally receive positive feedback.The organization can create a more transparent, development-focused, and inclusive work environment, which will eventually improve employee performance.
Keywords:Employee performance, peer appraisal, rating scale, supervisor feedback.
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