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A study on impact of E-banking with special reference to Federal bank within Bangalore district

Issue Abstract

The focus of banking is varied from urban orientation to rural orientation, traditional to innovative practices & class banking to mass banking. Indian banking industry today is in the midst of a customer-centric approach. A combination of regulatory & competitive reasons has led to increasing importance of banking automation in the Indian banking industry. Role of E-banking services towards digital India, government of India encourages people to move towards cashless economy. This can be achieved by use of debit, credit cards, digital cash, electronic payment gateway systems such as national electronic fund transfer (NEFT) & real time gross settlement (RTGS) in India. Federal bank limited is a one off prominent & major Indian commercial bank in the private sector. Federal bank has headquartered at Aluva Kerala having 1252 branches, it offers its customers a variety of services such as internet banking, mobile banking, on-line bill payment etc. This paper aims to study the E-banking habits of respondents with reference to Federal bank within Bangalore district.
Keywords: E-banking, electronic payment, online payment, Federal bank.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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