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A Study on the Impact of Digital ERA on Education in Nagercoil Town

Issue Abstract

Educational technology is a systematic and organized process of applying modern technology to improve the quality of education. The study aims to know the impact of digital era on the classroom level, to know the impact of digital era on the teaching process, to analyze the role of teachers in education due to the impact of digital era and to track the impact of digital era on education and role of students. The last five years computers have been introduced to most educational institutes although its ratio to a student is very high. By making initiatives to implement them, some forms of reforms may take place. Most of the education institution realizes that they should transform rapidly by adopting technology to enable better teaching and learning. For these institutions to remain relevant and grow, newer learning approached needs to be implemented. The digital classroom solution are pre-created by service providers.
Keywords: Education, Digital Era

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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