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A Study on the Growth of the Primary Health Care Centers Concept in India4t

Issue Abstract


Primary healthcare is the cornerstone for preserving, repairing, and promoting health and is an essential part of the delivery of health services. The Bhore Committee created the idea of primary healthcare in India in 1946. Primary healthcare services, infrastructure, and associated healthcare indicators have all seen notable advancements during the last 60 years. However, there are still a number of obstacles in the way of attaining universal health coverage. This assessment highlights present and upcoming issues as it looks at the development of India's primary healthcare system. A thorough literature analysis of both indexed and non-indexed journals, significant organizations' websites, and national initiatives pertaining to primary healthcare in India were all part of the study. The main conclusions and suggestions for resolving the issues raised and enhancing the primary healthcare system are examined. Key words: Primary healthcare, evolution, challenges, India, Bhore Committee, Alma-Ata Declaration, National Health Policy

Author Information
M. Santhosh kumar M.A., MPhil, Ph.D Research Scholar, PG.Research Department of Economics, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Government Arts College, (Affiliated to Tiruvalluvar University), Tiruvannamalai -606 603, Tamil Nadu.
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2025
Issue Pages

Issue References


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