The research project entitled “A STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEERETENTION IN IT SECTOR” is an attempt to understand employee’s perception about the factors which are important for them to continue in
the same organization. The data were collected through well-structured questionnaires which contain closed end question. This survey is collected from the I. There search design used for this study is descriptive in nature. The descriptive study helps the researcher to find out various characteristics of the population. Snowball sampling technique was adopted for selecting sample units from the respondents. The methods of data collection for the study include both primary and secondary data. A sample data of 105 respondents helped to analyze their perception on factors influencing employee retention and provide valuable suggestions. The statistical tool used for analyzing and interpreting the opinions of the users and the tools includes hypothesis testing (chi-square and weighted average). The results were presented with the help of different charts and diagrams were drawn from the analyzing of data’s, suggestions and conclusions have been made based on the findings. The rankings of the factors were identified using weighted average method. Association between gender & factor and variance on factors with respect to work experience are identified by chi-square and ova respectively.
Keywords: Employee retention, Influencing factors, IT sectors.