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A Study on Factors Influencing Consumers Impulse Buying Behavior with reference to Chennai

Issue Abstract

Marketing is the business procedure of making associations with and fulfilling clients. With its attention on the client, advertising is one of the chief segments of business the executives. Today’s competitive world is unpredictable about the future, thus to cope up with the drastically changing environment it’s necessary for every seller to attract their valuable consumers. To attract consumer it becomes essential for sellers to understand the consumers behavior. Consumer behavior is how one potential buyer reacts to the particular situation of buying products with the available money consumer also considers other factors such as discounts, offers and other factors that become essential for decision making. This project helps to find out the most influencing factors that makes consumer to opt for impulse buying behavior. It also provides with valuable suggestions to the sellers to make their business to work effectively and efficiently and to gain maximum benefit. This research is carried on with primary data. To make analysis of the current trend prevailing in the market questionnaire is distributed among various class of people based on age, income level and other demographic factors. To analyse the data various statistical tools .The research is of descriptive nature. Based on the respondents the analysis is carried out and the findings are derieved.
Keywords: Marketing, Consumers, Impulse , Buying Behaviour, Product.

Author Information
S. Lavakumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. L.Natrajan, Marketing Management, Margham Publications.