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A Study on Endpoint Marketing in Indian Medical Tourism

Issue Abstract

Destination Marketing is a way of promoting destinations which includes a city, town, region or a country by attracting tourists worldwide.Destination marketing plays an important role in the tourism industry. It provides not only promotional tool but also strategic planning for the management to sustain its place in competitive global era. Medical Tourism is the emerging sector which contributes the foreign reserves of a country. Many corporate medical centres are having high priority for marketing their products and services. Destination marketing strategies will help toidentify the internal and external factors which would attract the tourist seeking cure to medical ailments. The aim of this conceptual paper is to investigate the destination marketing strategies adopted by medical centres and to identify services provided by various corporate medical centres to retain its goodwill in tourism industry.

Author Information
M. A. Saleem Ahmed
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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